First Things First - A Goal-Based Scenario teaching one of
Stephen R. Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Journal Publications
CyclePad: An articulate virtual laboratory for
engineering thermodynamics.Forbus, K.D., Whalley, P., Everett, J., Ureel, L., Brokowski, M., Baher, J. and
Kuehne, S. (1999). Artificial
297-347. [Local
Of Computational Supports For Students In Visual Modelling Tasks.
Ureel II, Leo C., Carney, Karen (2003). In
Wasson B., Baggetun, R., Hoppe, U., Ludvigsen, S. (Eds.) International
Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2003,
Community events, Communication and Interaction. (pp. 98-100) Bergen,
Norway, University of Bergen Press.
Generation for Learning by Reading, Ureel II, Leo C., & K. Forbus, C.
Riesbeck, L. Birnbaum (In Press) To appear in the Proceedings of the AAAI
Workshop on Textual Question Answering, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. July 2005
A conceptual architecture for generating examples in a socratic tutor for
qualitative modeling. Leo C. Ureel, II. (2004) In Neil Heffernan and
Peter Wiemer-Hastings, editors, Workshop on Dialog-based Intelligent
Tutoring Systems, Maceió, Brazil, 2004.
modeling for middle-school students. Forbus, K., Carney, K., Sherin, B. and
Ureel, L. 2004. Proceedings of the 18th International
Qualitative Reasoning Workshop, Evanston, Illinois, USA, August
of Supports for Student Reuse and Integration of Knowledge through
Modeling. Carney, Karen,
Ureel, Leo (2003). In Wasson B., Baggetun, R., Hoppe, U., Ludvigsen, S.
(Eds.) International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative
Learning, CSCL 2003, Community events, Communication and Interaction.
(pp. 98-100) Bergen, Norway, University of Bergen Press.
High School Computer Programming Now In Amazing 3-D. Leo C. Ureel II (2001, March) .
Presented at the MACUL 2001 Conference in Detroit, MI.