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The defQuantityFunction form defines a function that maps a tuple
of objects to a quantity. In addition to being globally defined via
defQuantityFunction, quantity functions may also be defined
within model fragment and entity definitions in the :quantities
clause (See section
, page
Figure: Quantity functions are defined with the
defQuantityFunction form. Quantity functions associate time dependent quantities
with the objects that they describe.
(defQuantityFunction QF name (x ...x)
[ :=> implication asentence]
[ :dimension dimension expression ]
[ :non-numeric non-numeric? ]
[ :piecewise-continuous piecewise-continuous? ]
[ :step-quantity step-quantity? ]
[ :count-quantity count-quantity? ])
The QF name is a function constant naming an n-ary function
that returns a time-dependent quantity. The x ...
x are logical variables.
- :=>
- The implication asentence is a logical sentence
that mentions the variables x. It may be used to place
restrictions on the values that the time dependent quantity may take
on, or assert things, such as type information, about the
x. The translations required to make time explicit
(See section
, page
) are performed on the
implication asentence.
- :dimension
- The dimension expression is a dimension
expression (See section
, page
for the complete syntax). It
specifies the dimension of the quantities returned by the quantity
- :non-numeric
- If boolean non-numeric? is true, then the
quantities returned by the quantity function are non-numeric valued,
otherwise they are numeric.
- :piecewise-continuous
- If boolean
piecewise-continuous? is true, then the quantities returned by
the quantity function are piecewise-continuous.
- :step-quantity
- If boolean step-quantity? is true, then the
quantities returned by the quantity function are step-quantities.
- :count-quantity
- If boolean count-quantity? is
true, then the quantities returned by the quantity function are
count-quantities. A count quantity is dimensionless.
The semantics of the form is defined by the following
where type is determined by the boolean keywords and defaults
to everywhere-continuous.
Next: Forms for defining model
Up: Top-level Forms
Previous: defRelation
Tom Mostek
Wed Jan 21 13:00:43 CST 1998