- NextKB
is an open-license knowledge base, with integrated linguistic, visual, and inferential representations.
- Illinois Intentional Tort Qualitative Dataset
The Illinois Intentional Tort Qualitative Dataset
is a collection of historical Illinois legal cases. The dataset includes 88 cases illustrating 112 distinct positive and negative claims in Trespass, Assault, Battery, and Self-Defense.
- CBO Dataset
Coloring Book Objects Dataset
is a collection of images from children's coloring books. Such images are designed to be easy to recognize, making this a good test for data-efficiency in learning.
NULEX is an open-license lexicon, created by combining WordNet, VerbNet, Wiktionary, and OpenCyc contents.
- Analogy Challenge Problems:
(1) AP Physics Experiments
(2) Evans Representations
- AAAI99 citations A list of papers with .pdf links related to Ken Forbus' AAAI 1999 invited talk.
- AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Entertainment This is a mirror of the site from the March 25-27, 2002 symposium that was held at Stanford University. The Past Papers link at this site allows viewing of AI & IE papers from the 1999, 2000 and 2001 Spring Symposiums.
- Active Illustrations Demo Movie A windows-executable download.
- Building Problem Solvers Information on this textbook on on AI reasoning techniques, with a heavy focus on truth maintenance systems written by Ken Forbus and Johan de Kleer.
- CyclePad
(1) Information on CyclePad: An Articulate Virtual Laboratory for engineering thermodynamics.
(2) publically available source code
- Fact Garbage Collecting Download the Fact Garbage Collecting LTRE source code as a zip file.
- Logo Designs for QRG
(1) Our current QRG site logo with additional graphics and subtitle added (can be used for Member Posters).
(2) Our current QRG logo with a transparent background and no subtitle.
(3) Original animated logo from previous QRG website.
- MONET 2000 Qualitative Reasoning Summer School The link provides a local mirror of the original site. Within this site there are just a few viable links. To find them, scroll down the main page until you see: Lectures, Units and Topics. The presentations provide an excellent introduction to qualitative reasoning. MONET occurred in Bertinoro, Italy in May 2000. The current link for MONET is http://monet.aber.ac.uk:8080/monet/index.html.
- OpenCyc Files Contents from Cycorp�s OpenCyc knowledge base, in an easy to use form.
- Principles of Operations for Deep Space 1 Information on certain questions regarding Deep Space 1, flight in space and space exploration. One of our most popular pages for students.
Url: http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/index.html
Project Information Page about this Virtual Solar System Project (including author/P.I.): http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/index.htm
- Qualitative Reasoning chapter for the CRC Handbook of Computer Science Draft version. There are various changes between this version and the final version. Since space in a handbook is necessarily limited, citations have to be minimized. This draft has more citations than the final version.
- Qualitative Reasoning Workshop Proceedings QR Workshop Proceedings on-line from 1987 to the present.
- Search the QRG website Try out the Google Search Engine for this website found below the purple footer on any of our main pages. Scroll to the bottom of this page to start now.
- Slides for CogSketch Tutorial Slides from Cognitive Science Society Conference, 7/29/09 (CogSci09)
- Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center SILC is funded by the National Science Foundation.
- Video Lectures
The on-line resource VideoLectures.net has several videotaped talks/tutorials from our QRG Members:
Search the QRG website